PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

gradio-rangeslider 0.0.5 🛝 Slider component for selecting a range of values 2024-06-05 18:50:42
gradio-rerun 0.0.3 Rerun viewer with Gradio 2024-06-03 21:39:51
gradio-leaderboard 0.0.9 Super fast , batteries included Leaderboard component ⚡️ 2024-05-31 16:51:14
megickfilebrowse 0.0.4 An extension of Gradio's FileExplorer, with more customization. 2024-05-28 07:25:52
gradio-agentchatbot 0.0.6 Chat with agents 🤖 and see the tools they use 🛠️ 2024-05-26 17:40:33
gradio-litmodel3d 0.0.1 An improved Model3D component with environment map support 2024-05-22 12:18:24
gradio-imagemask 0.0.1 Simplified ImageEditor with disabled overlay of brush-options. 2024-05-13 12:30:04
gradio-toggle 1.0.3 A toggle component that represents a boolean value, allowing users to switch between True and False states. Can function both as an input, to capture user interaction, and as an output, to display a boolean state. 2024-05-10 15:25:19
gradio-image-annotation 0.0.6 A Gradio component that can be used to annotate images with bounding boxes. 2024-05-04 13:56:56
gradio-collection 1.0.1 A collection of Custom Gradio components. 2024-05-04 01:28:09
gradio-molecule2d 0.0.3 Input chemical molecules as smiles strings and visualize them 2024-04-29 14:18:39
gradio-modal 0.0.3 A popup modal component 2024-04-18 16:27:16
gradio-demotest 0.0.7 foo component 2024-04-16 20:53:14
gradio-awsbr-mmchatbot 0.0.4 This component enables multi-modal input for the Anthropic Claude v3 suite of models available from Amazon Bedrock 2024-04-16 02:58:17
gradio-awsBedrock-multimodalChatbot 0.0.1 This component enables multi-modal input for the Anthropic Claude v3 suite of models available from Amazon Bedrock 2024-04-16 01:14:33
gradio-highlightedtextbox 0.0.12 Editable Gradio textarea supporting highlighting 2024-04-15 13:53:45
gradio-promptweighting 0.0.2 Simple component for creating prompt weighting for real-time generation. 2024-04-08 23:09:06
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